The Great Pyramid Of Giza Facts – Pyramids in Ancient Egypt
When looking in a book at the ancient Egyptian pyramids, we cannot help but to want to go visit the pyramids. The famous pyramids in Egypt in the south of Cairo are the Giza pyramids. The Great Pyramid of Giza (known as the Pyramid of Cheops / Pyramid of Khufu) is the largest and oldest of pyramids in the Giza. It’s the one of the most important construction of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
There is no doubt that the ancient Egyptian pyramids are amazing structures and fascinated many individuals throughout the world. Altogether, there are around one hundred pyramids found in ancient Egypt. Some of the ancient Egyptian pyramids are only symbolic and small, and then you have those large pyramids. In ancient Egypt, there are seventeen big pyramids; the sizes of these pyramids puzzle many people who see them. Who created those pyramids and how did they create them is a question that is asked by many.
Many depictions have stated that the pyramid builders were slaves, but that is not true. The individuals who built the pyramids were neither foreigners nor slaves and there is proof. Skeletons were found showing the individuals who built the ancient Egyptian pyramids were Egyptians who stayed in the villages that were developed by supervisors of the pharaoh‘s. The pyramid builders‘ lived in villages that had butchers, bakers, houses, brewers, cemeteries, granaries and maybe even some type of facilities for health care.
Bakeries that were near the pyramids had the capacity to produce thousands of loaves of break each week for the workers. Some of the ancient Egyptian pyramid builders were permanent employees, and then other ancient Egyptian pyramid builders were temporary. Unbelievably, some of the pyramid builders could have been women, but no signs of women who built pyramids have been found. However, there have been skeletons of women‘s bodies that show they could have been carrying heavy stone for a long time.
Graffiti that can be found inside the ancient Egyptian pyramids shows that some of the worked liked the work they did and took price in it. It has been estimated that around thirty thousands workers built the pyramids that are in Giza, which lasted about eighty years. A lot of the work probably took place while the River Nile had been flooded. Those big limestone rocks could have floated to the base of the pyramid. Once the stones floated to the base of the pyramid, individuals who worked on the pyramids polished them by hand, and then pushed them up the ramps to where they wanted them.
The ancient pyramids in Egypt were built for the dead pharaohs. The first pyramid that was built in ancient Egypt is called the Pyramid of Djozer. The best-known pyramids in Egypt are the Giza pyramids and they are recognized as some of the biggest structures that have ever been built. It is said Egyptians built pyramids in the triangle shape in order to represent a mound. The mound is said to represent what the ancient Egyptians believe the earth came from. Others say the pyramids were build symbolizing the rays of the sun.
It is agreed that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as burial monuments, but many disagree on the principles as to why they were built. There is a theory that says pyramids were made as a machine for resurrection. Ancient Egyptian pyramids will always continue to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
As mentioned earlier, the pyramid builders did indeed live in the villages and maybe some type of health care was available to them, the medical standards were not as advanced as modern day health care. Modern medicare advantage plans provide superior health care compared to the ancient Egyptian medical care.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt